Yes this is another food blog out in the endless cyber space but it is my journey through my ever expanding recipe collection. I have a cookbook collection which had a clean out 6 months ago of books I never cooked from and had to think rationally if I ever would. This made me seriously look at the books I had decided to keep as I still had alot which I had not made a single thing out of. They have been read cover to cover and yes I've planned to cook huge banquets and fine dinning dinner parties but thats the person I want to be and not the person I am. I'm sick of eating and cooking the same recipes I know from the top of my head or trying to cook the last vegetable in the crisper before the entire thing is no longer edible from not planning my weekly meals and just going around the supermarket getting sucked into those little bright yellow 'special' signs.
I've had enough. Yes in times of comfort I will always turn to those recipes that give you that warm cozy feeling but I need to be challenged and my cooking skills need a workout.
Given that our one bedroom apartment won't let me have huge banquet dinner parties and my budget probably wont accommodate the fine dinning dinners I would love to eat and savour every mouthful one slither of truffle at a time. This blog will challenge me to cook outside my comfort (no I will not be making aspic... Julie and Julia can keep that one for themselves), allow me to grow (hopefully not outwards) and hopefully bring people together with the common love of food, cooking and eating.
So here goes... bring on the recipes, the cooking and best of all, the eating.